Learning Haskell

30 March 2016 · 6 minute read · technical, rc and haskell

I was surprised to hear that Haskell isn’t really a functional language so much as it’s a strongly typed one. I was of course aware that it had both these properties but it took really using it to see why the typing was so important.

I started on Monday afternoon with Learn You A Haskell. It’s pretty good. That, combined with a couple of group discussions sessions, has meant I’m feeling pretty confident. I’m no expert - I’m still working my way around the terminology in particular - but I’ve started to write actual code.

I decided to start with the matasano crypto challenges. I’ve actually done some of these before in Python (something like the first five challenges in set 1), so I thought it would be a nice introduction. I knew what I was looking for and how to solve the problems in the abstract. These actually made for a great intro lesson.

The thing about strongly typed languages is they are strongly typed. The very first challenge - and the one that took me the longest - is to read in a hex string and output those bytes encoded in base 64. Haskell has some convenient functions for this: there’s Data.ByteString for a string of bytes, Data.ByteString.Base16 for hexadecimal and Data.ByteString.Base64 for base 64. Noting that . is the “function composition” operator, this makes the solution trivial:

hex_to_base64 :: ByteString -> ByteString
hex_to_base64 = base64_encode . base16_decode

(I’m still not used to camelCase and I keep using underscores. Sorry Haskellers.)

Of course, life is never quite that simple. Your input comes as a String and a String is not a ByteString. This is somewhat unlike Python. Okay, next try:

hex_to_base64 = byte_string_to_string . base64_encode . base16_decode . string_to_byte_string

Well, no. It turns out that the only byte_string_to_string function I could find (Data.ByteString.Char8.unpack) only works on Data.ByteString.Char8.ByteStrings. Which are not the same as Data.ByteString.ByteStrings. Which are also not the same as Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteStrings, which are what the base 16 and base 64 functions operate on.

It turns out the solution to this is Data.Text, but it took me the better part of a day (and a very helpful nudge from a fellow Recurser) to figure that out.

Now that I know that though, the solution is genuinely trivial. Here it is in full, written as a single function.

import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16.Lazy as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Txt
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TxtEnc

hex_to_base64 :: String -> String
hex_to_base64 = Txt.unpack . TxtEnc.decodeUtf8 . B64.encode . fst . B16.decode . TxtEnc.encodeUtf8 . Txt.pack

My actual code is a little different, because I’ve broken it down into functions like hex_to_bytes and bytes_to_base64 which I expect (know) I’ll use later.

(In case you don’t know, hex_to_base64 :: String -> String is an optional type declaration, which says hex_to_base64 takes a String paramater and outputs a String paramter. Everything in Haskell is a function, even static data.)

A few things that I find particularly impressive:

A few other pieces of code which I think illustrate Haskell’s strengths nicely. Here’s one which returns true if and only if all characters in the string match the regex [A-Fa-f0-9]+:

isHex :: String -> Bool
isHex x = all (`elem` ['A'..'F'] ++ ['a'..'f'] ++ ['0'..'9']) x

So what, we can all do regex, right? Well, I get to use this to parse my input from the command line like so:

challenge1 :: [String] -> IO ()
challenge1 (x:[])
    | isHex x = do putStrLn $ hex_to_base64 x
    | otherwise = usage_failure $ unlines
        [ "That is not a valid way to run 1-1 (maybe ask for help?)"
        , "Your hex string must be actual hex i.e. [A-Za-z0-9]+"]

I implemented usage_failure (there’s that underscore again) but everything else comes for free. In particular, note the guard syntax: we get to determine the return based on testing the input.

I quite like this one too:

bitwiseCombine :: (Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8) -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
bitwiseCombine f x y = B.pack $ B.zipWith (\x y -> (x `f` y)) x y

This combines two ByteStrings by applying the f operator (as an infix) to each byte of the arguments, then returns a new ByteString. You can use this and currying to make a new function for whatever operator you want. For example, I have this:

bitwiseXor :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
bitwiseXor = bitwiseCombine `xor`

This now only takes two arguments, ByteStrings, and returns the xor of them. Bam. One line.

Currying is also why we have that weird type signature: each function takes one argument and returns a new function which returns the next thing separated by a ->. When you get to the end of the list, you have data. The (Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8) in parentheses is a function which has that signature.

Okay, last one. This function takes two “maps”, each of which is essentially a key-value pair with keys composed of Word8s and values composed of Floats. As the name might suggest, these are frequency tables, where the Word8 is a byte (e.g. ‘A’) and the Float is what proportion of the whole it makes up (in the range 0 .. 1). freqTableDifference takes the absolute values of the differences between paired elements, discarding anything that is not in the intersection of the maps. freqTableDelta sums those differences into a basic score showing roughly how different the two are (think Hamming distance, but not).

freqTableDelta :: Map.Map Word8 Float -> Map.Map Word8 Float -> Float
freqTableDelta x y = sum $ Map.elems $ freqTableDifference x y

freqTableDifference :: Map.Map Word8 Float -> Map.Map Word8 Float -> Map.Map Word8 Float
freqTableDifference x y = Map.differenceWith (\a b -> Just $ abs (a - b)) x y

That’s right, the explanation took far, far longer than the code, even with optional type signatures. That’s the beauty of functional programming. Combined with strong types, this experience is incredibly fluid. I hope it’s clear how exciting this prospect is for me. Every function I write in Haskell is just as short. The longest section of code which is actually code (and not data) is six lines. That function takes a list of characters to look for (needles) and builds up those frequency tables. It also takes care of edge cases, ensures that there is a value of 0 for items in the needle but not in the string, returns a second paramter showing the proportion of elements in the string not in the needle and takes care of conversion to appropriate data types in both directions. In six lines and without becoming Perl.

This has been day three of RC. 87ish more days.